*Whoever started the 200 dollar pair of jeans trend
*The dumbasses who defend the 200 dollar pair of jeans trend with "they really are higher quality" justifications. Higher quality than 501s? No, they aren't. The fit might be slightly better, depending on your body type, but you are a label hooker if you think that 200 dollar jeans are worth the money. If, like me, you have actually purchased 200 dollar jeans, you did it because you are a lazy fuck, or you're smoking that pipe and thinking that the jeans you wear will unmake your middle-aged FUPA, or you're a label whore.
*The people who are charging 300,000 for a 3/2 in Marfa, Texas.
*The people who are willing to pay 300k for a 3/2 in Marfa, Texas.
It happens like this:
1. Someone grows a pair of brass ones and decides, "hey, I can charge twice what the market value of this thing is."
2. Someone is an idiot and falls for it.
3. Someone #1 tells a friend.
4. So does Someone #2.
5. A trend of outrageous inflation occurs.
Maybe this is just sour grapes on my part. Maybe I'm just pissed off that I have been effectively priced out of living in a small west Texas town just because Judd liked living there. He probably liked it because the mountain ranges near it are pretty, but he also liked it, I'm guessing, because it was fucking cheap and he was an artist. So, now, 25 artists live there and I can't.